Bismark St. Longleaf Pine
A neighbor that was having her old house remodeled, had a good amount of old growth Longleaf Pine shiplap that was removed from her interior walls. She was going to save it to do something with and decided against it. She told me I could have it if I took it all or it was going in the dumpster. I took it and spent the next 2 weeks removing a gazillion little black nails/tacks.
Back in the day these tacks were used to put a light fabric on the walls so that wall paper could be installed. The wall paper would not stick smoothly to the Longleaf Pine, but it would to the fabric.
Although this was a cheaper grade of Longleaf Pine at the time, you cannot get Longleaf pine this good today. Today if you find Longleaf Pine, it is new growth and not much different than any other pine you buy at most any lumber yard. This wood is old growth Longleaf Pine which is significantly different and prettier than any pine you can buy today. The grain is MUCH tighter and the wood looks richer because of it, not to mention that it is much stronger than pine you get today. This wood was originally harvested about 100 years ago which means it is significantly older than that, probably on the order of 300+ years.